OLSR ARPROAMING PLUGIN An adhoc wireless mesh routing daemon  Valid HTML 4.01 Transitional  SourceForge - Find free open source software.

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Obtaining the source

Thanks to SourceForge we can provide subversion control to our users. Depending on your Linux distribution you probably have to install a subversion client to check out the code:

svn co https://olsr-arproaming.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/olsr-arproaming arproaming

There is also an option to browse the repository by hand.

Compile the binary

To compile the plugin the checked out folder from subversion needs to be placed into the lib/ directory of the official OLSRd source code (latest version is 0.6.1). After that, go to lib/arproaming/ and run:


If everything is going well this will end up in a file named 'olsrd_arproaming.so.0.1'. Now learn how to use the plugin in OLSRd by modifying your configuration file.

Pre-compiled packages

We are currently providing *.ipk packages for OpenWrt Backfire considering different platforms. You can download them manually using SourceForge's file archive and install them like the following:

opkg install olsrd-mod-arproaming_*.ipk

To receive updates in order to keep packages up to date you better use our OpenWrt repository by adding the following line to your '/etc/opkg.conf' depending on your platform:

src/gz ffchemnitz http://firmware.chemnitz.freifunk.net/brcm47xx/packages

After that simply update your package cache and install the package:

opkg update
opkg install olsrd-mod-arproaming

Don't forget to run 'opkg update/upgrade' from time to time. For now continue how to use the plugin in OLSRd by modifying your configuration file.